Friday, July 3, 2009

Celebrate Independence Day everyday . . .

Over 230 years ago a small country of rebellious people were set free from their overbearing parent country and came to be known as Americans. Almost 2,000 years ago a world of rebellious people were set free from the overbearing hold of sin and came to be known as Christians.

When America was freed, it came on the backs of troops and brave men who fought for what they wanted. It was birthed in the minds of politicos who sought a better life for those they represented. When believers were freed, it wasn't on the backs of troops or through the work of politicians, but by the sacrifice of one man - Jesus Christ.

In both situations, blood was shed and a call for sacrifice was made. Both situations sought to bring a better life to those being freed. In both instances, that better life, whether freedom to "make my own rules" or freedom from "the bondage of sin", was acheived.

Imagine if Pres. Obama announced a plan for all Americans to revoke our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A plan that would take away our freedoms of speach, worship, travel, assembly, etc. Riots, looting and impeachment would loom, for sure. So why is it that believers choose to go back to the bondage of sin and loose their freedoms of victory, salvation and eternal life?

Sin is powerful and its allure can be overwhelming. But it will soon make you a prisoner if you wallow in it for long. You will be held captive, and captivity is certainly not freedom. God, however, does not hold you captive but frees you from the bondage of guilt, error, deception, pain, ignorance and eternal damnation - all things that service to sin will produce.

We can not escape sin, we were born into it. However, we can escape living in sin. Focusing our lives on God, submitting to His will and surrendering to His Holy Spirit keeps us out of sin's grasp and let's us walk in the freedom of Christ.

Americans celebrate Independence Day on July 4th with cookouts, parties, fireworks and family time. As believers, we should be celebrating independence everyday with prayer, praise,submission and time with God. Don't revoke your freedom; don't let Christ's death be in vain! Know Him as the Truth because the Truth shall make you free (John 8.32).

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